Resources & Community Supports
*Note that due to Covid-19 many organizations/groups are meeting virtually this may both broaden or limit their area of coverage so please check-in.
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Organizations linked in their title.
+ New Mom & Perinatal Mood Support Groups
If you are a new or expectant mom looking for a support group please reach out to us directly as we have relationships with several great resources and would like to guide you based on your personal needs.
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+ NICU Support Resources
HandtoHold: Resources - Virtual.
Hand to Hold understands that a high-risk pregnancy, a complicated birth, a NICU stay, or the loss of a baby are very traumatic and isolating experiences. They aim to provide support at any stage through virtual support groups, podcasts, and Facebook communities.
GrahamsFoundation: Resources - Website Information/Virtual Support/App.
Grahams Foundation aims to support, inform, comfort, and help guide families through the experience of prematurity.
(PSI) Postpartum Support International: Resources - Virtual Support Groups, Mentor Program, Crisis Line, Phone Support, Website Information. 1.800.944-4773, Text line:800.944-4773
The lead certifying authority in Postpartum Support in the United States and around the world. They offer a lot of levels of support both in the form of online meetings and crisis help. Their groups include topics such as: Postpartum Psychosis, Apoyo-Perinatal (Spanish), Queer Parents Support Group, Birth Moms Support Group, Desi Chaat (Support Group for South-Asian Moms), Black Mamas Matter Support Group, Monthly Dad Support Groups, Birth Mom Support Group, Perinatal (preganancy & postpartum) Mood Support Group, Pregnancy Mood Support Group, NICU Parents, Military Moms, Pregnancy and Infant Loss for Moms, Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Group for Parents.
+ Loss Resources
NationalShare: Website Information/Virtual Groups through local chapters.
National organization whose purpose is to provide support toward the positive resolution of grief experienced following the tragic death of a baby through pregnancy loss, stillbirth, or in the first few months of life. This support encompasses emotional, physical, spiritual and social healing, as well as sustaining the family unit. You’ll also find specific support groups in your area.
Return to Zero: Resources - Website Information/Connection Resource.
A global non-profit organization providing access to resources, social support, and informed professional care in order to empower families to live a meaningful and hopeful life during and after experiencing pregnancy and infant loss.
The MISS Foundation: Resources - Website Information/Groups and Connections.
Providing counseling, advocacy, research, and education services to families experiencing the death of a child.
Help After Neonatal Death (HAND): Resources - Website Information/Phone/Virtual Support Groups/Service of Remembrance.
Helping parents, their families, and their healthcare providers cope with the loss of a baby before, during, or after birth.
Hope After Loss: Resources - In Person Support Groups in CT/ Virtual Support Groups Nationwide/Website Information.
A Connecticut based organization whose goal is to help those who experience pregnancy and/or infant loss to find the inspiration of hope by providing connections, comfort and care. Many group facilitators rise up from within groups in their structure.
(PSI) Postpartum Support International: Resources - Virtual Support Groups, Mentor Program, Crisis Line, Phone Support, Website Information. 1.800.944-4773, Text line:800.944-4773
The lead certifying authority in Postpartum Support in the United States and around the world. They offer a lot of levels of support both in the form of online meetings and crisis help. Their groups include topics such as: Postpartum Psychosis, Apoyo-Perinatal (Spanish), Queer Parents Support Group, Birth Moms Support Group, Desi Chaat (Support Group for South-Asian Moms), Black Mamas Matter Support Group, Monthly Dad Support Groups, Birth Mom Support Group, Perinatal (preganancy & postpartum) Mood Support Group, Pregnancy Mood Support Group, NICU Parents, Military Moms, Pregnancy and Infant Loss for Moms, Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Group for Parents.
+ Infertility
Resolve New England: Support Group Page, (781)890-2250, admin@resolvenewengland.org
A leader in support and research in all things fertility with virtual group topics such as: Primary Infertility Group, Expecting After Infertility and/or Loss Group, Donor Egg Decision-Making Group, Donor Conception Support Group, Pregnancy Loss Group, Queer Parents to Be Support Group, Adoption Support Group, Childless Not By Choice Group, Secondary Infertility Group, Fertility and Family Building Support Group for Men,& Cancer and Fertility.
Mass. General Hospital Center for Women’s Mental Health: Resources - Website Information/Research Hub.
An up-to-date research based information hub from some of the best minds in the field of research and medicine.
The Broken Brown Egg: Resources - Community Support/Website Information/Events.
An infertility advocacy blog and source of connection for individuals seeking a personal story of infertility written from the African-American viewpoint. A growing resource for information aiming to be a support staple in the infertility community.
Reproductive Facts: Resources - Website Information/Research Publications.
The American Society for Reproductive Medicine is a hub of educational research and resources to advocate for and enhance the study of reproductive medicine.
(PSI) Postpartum Support International: Resources - Virtual Support Groups, Mentor Program, Crisis Line, Phone Support, Website Information. 1.800.944-4773, Text line:800.944-4773
The lead certifying authority in Postpartum Support in the United States and around the world. They offer a lot of levels of support both in the form of online meetings and crisis help. Their groups include topics such as: Postpartum Psychosis, Apoyo-Perinatal (Spanish), Queer Parents Support Group, Birth Moms Support Group, Desi Chaat (Support Group for South-Asian Moms), Black Mamas Matter Support Group, Monthly Dad Support Groups, Birth Mom Support Group, Perinatal (preganancy & postpartum) Mood Support Group, Pregnancy Mood Support Group, NICU Parents, Military Moms, Pregnancy and Infant Loss for Moms, Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Group for Parents.
+ Pregnancy After Loss
Pregnancy After Loss Support: Resources - Virtual Support Groups/In-Person Groups/Social Media Groups/Website Information.
Dedicated to ensuring that every mom and her partner who is experiencing pregnancy after loss is able to find support and connection among both peers and health care professionals who understand and validate the unique and complex experience of pregnancy after a previous perinatal or child death.
(PSI) Postpartum Support International: Resources - Virtual Support Groups, Mentor Program, Crisis Line, Phone Support, Website Information. 1.800.944-4773, Text line:800.944-4773
The lead certifying authority in Postpartum Support in the United States and around the world. They offer a lot of levels of support both in the form of online meetings and crisis help. Their groups include topics such as: Postpartum Psychosis, Apoyo-Perinatal (Spanish), Queer Parents Support Group, Birth Moms Support Group, Desi Chaat (Support Group for South-Asian Moms), Black Mamas Matter Support Group, Monthly Dad Support Groups, Birth Mom Support Group, Perinatal (preganancy & postpartum) Mood Support Group, Pregnancy Mood Support Group, NICU Parents, Military Moms, Pregnancy and Infant Loss for Moms, Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Group for Parents.
+ Medication while Pregnant/Breastfeeding
New York
MotherToBaby: Resources- Phone/Text/E-mail. (800)724-2454.
Trained up-to-date expert information on the effects of medications, drugs, vaccines, infectious disease, cosmetics, supplements, and other things those who are pregnant or breastfeeding may come in contact with.
MotherToBaby: Resources - Phone/E-mail. (866)626-6847.
Florida specialists that answer questions about exposures during pregnancy and breastfeeding for Florida residents.
Rhode Island
MotherToBaby: (service through Boston Children’s) Resources - Phone/E-mail. (781)216-2841.
A service for the general public & clinicians that offers practical evidence-based information about exposures during pregnancy and potential effects to the developing baby. They provide information in a non-judgmental manner for common daily exposures (think - hair dye, paint, and herbal products) and more specific exposures like illicit drugs, medications, infections, chemicals, etc.
National Institute of Health Database for Drug & Lactation
LactMed: Resources - Searchable database.
The database contains information on drugs and other chemicals to which breastfeeding mothers may be exposed. It includes information on the levels of such substances in breast milk and infant blood, and the possible adverse effects in the nursing infant.
Infant Risk Center
InfantRisk: Resources - Phone/Website Articles/App.
Information along with experts who are available to discuss medication use while breastfeeding or during pregnancy. They provide leading research on the effects of drugs, medication, and nutrition within breastmilk.
We’ve found that in tough times, it is better to say something than nothing, but our communication is about more than words. Whether your journey is positive, painful, challenging, or you’re watching someone you care about on their journey, sometimes a tangible item can help. Here are a few places we’ve found that are doing wonderful work in this area.
Mara’s Mandalas: Providing artwork that is infused with positive energy to attract good vibes into your space, to inspire personal growth and enhance your spiritual journey. Mara creates and sells both custom and pre-made art and each each piece is created by her hands. She is amazing to work with, has a wonderful spirit, and we can personally attest to her ability to create a wonderful vision.
Molly Bears: Exists to create a positive and comforting impact for families enduring any form of infant loss.
A Beautiful Remembrance: Thoughtful and comforting gifts for those grieving the loss of a child through death, stillbirth, and/or miscarriage.
Torianic Jewelry: A personalized jewelry/memento Etsy shop that does quality work, has very good communication, and timely production. Great to reflect both celebrations and remembrances.